Wednesday, October 27, 2010

humans are good

i find that i love rain. but only on my terms. right now it is crazy raining. like torrential downpour. i actually wouldn't mind this, but now i dont want to walk to my next class. i like this kind of rain when i can go out and enjoy it and dance in it.  i don't like sitting through class where i am soaked through my underwear. so i sing
rain rain go away come a gain another day

i find i am making excuses, subconsciously, to see my parents. i dont know how i could have forgotten so many things at home otherwise. I feel like every week i have to meet up with either my mom or my dad to have them bring me something i forgot.

speaking about me being careless and forgetful...

i feel like this is the most embarrassing story ever, but since i am only writing to my blog constituents, and that only consists of two people, its okay.

on saturday, i get back to my dorm after eating lunch on the Vern, and i realize i have lost my gworld/room key. they were on a keychain together. so then i trek all the way back to the Vern. and the bus was all screwed up, so it took about an hour and a half instead of hte usual 15 minutes. i get there, search absolutely everywhere. like literally, i was looking under every rock and behind every tree. what do you know, i can't find it. So in the midst of my freaking out, i go, cancel the gworld (it has a lot of money on it), and cry a little.

quickly i get over it, and i go get ready to go out for the night. i tell you, it was a FUN night. anyways i wake up the next morning, reach into my purse, and realize something is missing. My metro card, license, and debit card are missing. Now let me make it clear that this group of lost items is completely unrelated to the first. i had these while i was looking for the first set. Now let me ask any reasonable person: how the hell does someone lose all of their most valuable possessions in one day, in unrelated events?

so sunday morning i was sitting in my room with absolutely no form of identification, and absolutely no money.

not to worry, mommy and daddy came and took my to lunch (perks of being close!) and gave me some cash, and helped me cancel my cards.

then monday afternoon, i stop by the UPD office, and sure enough, good Samaritans out there had turned in all of my belongings!
o happy day! my life is not over!
the sun shone brighter, the clouds fluffier, the sky bluer.
i walked back home from the upd building with a giant smile plastered on my face.

i have a new respect for humankind. some of them do look out for others and do the right thing. thank you anonymous good people!

1 comment:

  1. wow i agree 100%. this story applies to my info box under my prof pic on facebook. there is no reason to doubt humankind. its sad that so many people do.

    although reasonable given a few bad apples.

    there are only a few.
